Citations Index
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Articles With Citations
to Z. Abou-Assaleh
Theoretical Plasma
Physics |
Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion Energy |
2021 |
No 03 |
Simulation of the SPARC plasma
boundary with the UEDGE code
S.B. Ballinger,1, A.Q. Kuang, M.V. Umansky, D. Brunner, J.M.
Canik, M. Greenwald1, J.D Lore, B. LaBombard1, J.L. Terry, M.
Published 5 July 2021 • © 2021 IAEA, Vienna
Nuclear Fusion, Volume 61, Number 8
In this work, the UEDGE edge transport code is used to examine
conditions in the SPARC divertor and edge plasma for various
levels of carbon impurity and power from the core (PSOL). A
double-null magnetic configuration is simulated assuming up-down
symmetry in geometry and physics. The anomalous heat and particle
transport coefficients are tuned to match empirical predictions
for SPARC's midplane density profiles, target plate heat flux
profiles, and inner/outer divertor power sharing. Convective
transport is included on the low-field side, while on the
high-field side the transport is modeled as purely diffusive.
Hydrogen neutrals are modeled as a fluid with inertial effects,
and a carbon impurity is included using the fixed-fraction model.
We find that detachment induced by impurity seeding could
significantly reduce the heat flux to the divertor surfaces in the
SPARC tokamak. At PSOL = 28 MW (the value predicted for SPARC's
full-power H-mode scenario) cases with both divertor legs detached
were obtained with a carbon impurity fraction between 0.3%–1.4%,
far below Zeff limits for SPARC. When the plasma in the outer leg
is detached, the peak heat flux density perpendicular to the
target plate is below 1 MW m−2, electron and ion temperatures are
less than 1.5 eV, and momentum detachment is observed. However,
the detachment state is found to be sensitive to the side-wall
boundary conditions, the level of neutral pumping, and the target
plate tilt. Finally, a broadly similar SOLPS simulation of SPARC
is used to assess the appropriateness of the simpler impurity and
neutral models used in UEDGE.
No 01-02 |
Computer Physics Communications
Volume 258, January 2021, 107600
SOL-KiT—Fully implicit code
for kinetic simulation of parallel electron transport in the
tokamak Scrape-Off Layer
F.Militello, R.J.Kinghama
Blackett Lab., Plasma Physics
Group, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, UK
CCFE, Culham Science Centre,
Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB, UK
Here we present a new code for modelling electron kinetics in
the tokamak Scrape-Off Layer (SOL). SOL-KiT (Scrape-Off Layer
Kinetic Transport) is a fully implicit 1D code with kinetic (or
fluid) electrons, fluid (or stationary) ions, and diffusive
neutrals. The code is designed for fundamental exploration of
non-local physics in the SOL and utilizes an arbitrary degree
Legendre polynomial decomposition of the electron distribution
function, treating both electron–ion and electron–atom
collisions. We present a novel method for ensuring particle and
energy conservation in inelastic and superelastic collisions, as
well as the first full treatment of the logical boundary
condition in the Legendre polynomial formalism. To our
knowledge, SOL-KiT is the first fully implicit arbitrary degree
harmonic kinetic code, offering a conservative and
self-consistent approach to fluid–kinetic comparison with its
integrated fluid electron mode. In this paper we give the model
equations and their discretizations, as well as showing the
results of a number of verification/benchmarking simulations.
[16] Z. Abou-Assaleh, J. P.
Matte, T. W. Johnston, R. Marchand, Fokker-Planck Modelling of
Edge Plasma Near the Neutralizer Plate in a
Tokamak, Contrib. Plasma Phys. 32 (3/4) (1992) 268–272.
[17] Z. AbouAssaleh, M. Petravic,
R. Vesey, J. P. Matte, T. W. Johnston, NonLocal Transport in a
Tokamak Plasma Divertor with Recycling,
Contrib. Plasma Phys. 34 (2/3) (1994) 175–179.
Citations Index
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