Citations Index
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Articles With Citations
to Z. Abou-Assaleh
Theoretical Plasma
Physics |
Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion Energy |
2013 |
2013 No 02 |
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Published 30 July 2013 • © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Volume 55, Number 9
An assessment of ion temperature measurements
in the boundary of the Alcator C-Mod tokamak and
implications for ion fluid heat flux limiters.
D Brunner1,
B LaBombard1,
R M Churchill1,
J Hughes1,
B Lipschultz1,
R Ochoukov1,
T D Rognlien2,
C Theiler1,
J Walk1,
M V Umansky2,
and D Whyte1
PSFC Cambridge, MA 02139 USA.
Livermore, CA 94550, USA.
The ion temperature is not frequently measured
in the boundary of magnetic fusion devices. Comparisons among different ion temperature
techniques and simulations are even rarer. Here we present a comparison of ion temperature
measurements in the boundary of the Alcator C-Mod tokamak from three different diagnostics:
charge exchange recombination spectroscopy, an ion sensitive probe, and a retarding field
analyzer. Comparison between charge exchange recombination spectroscopy and the ion sensitive probe along
with close examination of the ion sensitive probe measurements reveals that the ion sensitive
probe is space charge limited. It is thus unable to measure ion temperature in the high density (>1019 m-3)
boundary plasma of C-Mod with its present geometry. Comparison of ion temperatures measured by
charge exchange recombination spectroscopy and the retarding field analyzer shows fair agreement.
Ion and electron parallel heat flow is analyzed with a simple 1D fluid code. The code takes divertor
measurements as input and results are compared to the measured ratios of upstream ion to electron
temperature, as inferred respectively by charge exchange recombination spectroscopy and a Langmuir
probe. The analysis reveals the limits of the fluid model at high Knudsen number. The upstream
temperature ratio is under predicted by a factor of 2. Heat
flux limiters (kinetic corrections) to the fluid
model are necessary to match experimental data. The values required are found to be close to those
reported in kinetic simulations. The 1D code is benchmarked against the 2D plasma fluid code UEDGE with good agreement.
[55] Z. Abou-Assaleh, J. P. Matte, T. W.
Johnston, and R. Marchand, Contributions to Plasma Physics 32, 268 (1992).
[56] Z. Abou-Assaleh, M. Petravic, R. Vesey,
J. P. Matte, and T. W. Johnston, Contributions to Plasma Physics 34, 175 (1994).
2013 No 01 |
Transport Processes
Published: 17 September 2013
Nonlocal transport in hot
Part I
A. V. Brantov
V. Yu. Bychenkov
Plasma Physics Reports volume
39, pages698–744(2013)Cite this article
The problem of describing charged particle transport in hot
plasma under the conditions in which the ratio of the electron
mean free path to the gradient length is not too small is one
of the key problems of plasma physics. However, up to now,
there was a deficit of the systematic interpretation of the
current state of this problem, which, in most studies, is
formulated as the problem of nonlocal transport. In this
review, we fill this gap by presenting a self-consistent
linear theory of nonlocal transport for small plasma
perturbations and an arbitrary collisionality from the
classical highly collisional hydrodynamic regime to the
collisionless regime. We describe a number of nonlinear
transport models and demonstrate the application of the
nonclassical transport theory to the solution of some problems
of plasma physics, first of all for plasmas produced by
nanosecond laser pulses with intensities of 1013–1016
59. J. N. Rogers, J. S. De Groot, Z. Abbou-Assaleh, et al.,
Phys. Fluids B 1, 741 (1989).
ISSN 1063780X, Plasma Physics Reports, 2013, Vol. 39, No. 9,
pp. 698–744. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2013.
Original Russian Text © A.V. Brantov, V.Yu. Bychenkov,
2013, published in Fizika Plazmy, 2013, Vol. 39, No. 9, pp.
Nonlocal Transport in Hot Plasma. Part I
A. V. Brantov and V. Yu. Bychenkov
Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Leninskiii pr. 53, Moscow, 119991 Russia
Dukhov AllRussia Research Institute of
Automatics, Mospochtamt a/ya 918, Moscow, 101000 Russia
problem of describing charged particle transport in hot plasma
under the conditions in which the ratio of the electron mean free path to
the gradient length is not too small is one of the key
problems of plasma physics. However, up to now, there was
a deficit of the systematic interpretation of the current
state of this problem, which, in most studies, is
formulated as the problem of nonlocal transport. In this
review, we fill this gap by presenting a selfconsistent linear
theory of nonlocal transport for small plasma perturbations
and an arbitrary collisionality from the classical
highly collisional hydrodynamic regime to the collisionless regime. We describe a number of nonlinear
transport models and demonstrate the application of the
nonclas sical transport theory to the solution of some
problems of plasma physics, first of all for plasmas produced
by nanosecond laser pulses with intensities of 1013–1016 W/cm2.
DOI: 10.1134/S1063780X13090018
59. J. N. Rogers, J. S. De Groot,
Z. AbbouAssaleh, et al., Phys. Fluids B
1, 741 (1989).
20130263 DOI:
Учредители: ФИЦ "Институт общей физики им. А.М. Прохорова
РАН", Национальный исследовательский центр "Курчатовский
институт", Российская академия наук, Российская академия
наук (Москва)
ISSN: 0367-2921
Проблема описания переноса заряженных частиц в горячей
плазме, когда отношение длины свободного пробега электронов к
градиентной длине не очень мало, является одной из ключевых
проблем физики плазмы. Однако до сих пор ощущается дефицит
системного изложения современного состояния этого вопроса,
который в большинстве работ формулируется как проблема
нелокального переноса. Настоящим обзором мы восполняем этот
пробел, излагая последовательную линейную теорию нелокального
переноса для малых возмущений плазмы с произвольной
столкновительностью от классического гидродинамического режима
сильных столкновений до бесстолкновительного режима, описывая
ряд нелинейных моделей переноса и демонстрируя применения
теории неклассического переноса для решения ряда задач физики
плазмы, прежде всего для плазмы, создаваемой наносекундными
лазерными импульсами с интенсивностями 1013 1016
Published: 15 July 2014
Nonlocal transport in hot plasma. Part II
A. V. Brantov & V. Yu. Bychenkov
Plasma Physics Reports volume 40, pages505–563(2014)Cite this
The second part of the review, the first part of which was
published earlier in Plasma Phys. Rep. 39, 698 (2013), is
presented. A wide range of electromagnetic phenomena in laser
plasma under nonlocal transport conditions requiring kinetic
consideration are described. Among them, there are nonlocal
transport in magnetized plasma, absorption and penetration of
laser radiation in dense plasma, nonlocal effects related to
inverse-bremsstrahlung heating and ponderomotive interaction,
plasma fluctuations caused by a speckled laser beam,
propagation of laser radiation and parametric instabilities in
low-density plasma, and ion-acoustic instability of the return
current. Many results are applicable for arbitrary relations
between the characteristic spatial and time scales of the
plasma parameters, which substantially advances the concept of
laser-plasma interaction in hot plasma as compared to the
conventional theories of collisionless and strongly
collisional plasmas.
Citations Index
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