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Articles With Citations
to Z. Abou-Assaleh
Theoretical Plasma
Physics |
Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion Energy |
2008 |
2008 No 03 |
Physical Review Letters
Experimental Investigation of the Plasma-Wall Transition
Tilmann Lunt, Gerd Fussmann, and Ole Waldmann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 175004 – Published 2 May 2008
Tilmann Lunt1,
Gerd Fussmann1,2,
Ole Waldmann2
1Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Physik,
Newtonstr. 15, 12489, Berlin, Germany
2Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM
Association, Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching, Germany
We report on measurements of the ion velocity distribution as a
function of distance to a target immersed in a magnetized argon
plasma. Two situations are investigated: (a) practically the whole
plasma streams onto a large target, and (b) the size of the target
is significantly smaller than the plasma diameter. The Mach number
M=u/cs decreases from M=1 at the target surface to values around
0.5 at a typical scale of λa=30 mm and λb=5 mm, respectively. In
order to explain these small decay lengths, the measurements of
case (a) are compared with a source-diffusion model and those of
(b) to Hutchinson’s model. In (a) good agreement between modeling
and experiment is obtained assuming a low neutral gas temperature.
The data in (b) also agree excellently with modeled profiles,
although the large fitting parameter D=20 m2/s indicates that
other processes than diffusion contribute significantly to the
2008 No 02 |
Experimental Investigation of the Plasma-Wall
zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades
doctor rerum naturalium
(Dr. rer. nat.)
im Fach Physik
eingereicht an der
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät I
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Herr Dipl.-Phys. Tilmann Alexander Lunt
geboren am 27.09.1976 in Hamburg
Präsident der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christoph Markschies
Dekan der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen
Fakultät I:
Prof. Dr. Christian Limberg
1. Prof. Dr. Gerd Fußmann
2. Prof. Dr. Uwe Schumacher
3. Dr. habil. Hans-Stephan Bosch
eingereicht am: 14.2.2008
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 17.7.2008
In the present work the streaming behavior of a
magnetized argon plasma impinging on a neutralizing surface was
investigated. For that purpose the ion velocity distribution was measured
non-invasively as a function of the distance to the surface by means of Laser Induced
Fluorescence. The spatial resolution was typically
z = 0.5
mm. Two situations are investigated, (a): when
practically the whole plasma streams onto a large target (? = 100 mm), and (b): when the
size of the target (? = 15 mm) is significantly smaller
than the diameter of the plasma column. In both cases the streaming velocity
was at least as high as
the ion acoustic sound speed, as already predicted by Bohm
in 1949. Under fusion relevant conditions this is the first direct
observation of the Bohm criterion. Approaching the target surface the Mach number M =
increases from values of around 0.5 to 1 on typical scales of
= 30 mm and
= 5 mm, respectively. In order to explain these very short
scale lengths the measured data were compared with a collisional-diffusive
model in the case of (a) and with Hutchinson’s model[27] in the case of
(b). A good agreement was achieved in (a) by assuming a very low neutral
gas temperature of about 400 K. In (b) the model fits the data excellently
when the transport coefficient is chosen as high as D = 20 m2/s.
Such a high transport cannot be
caused solely by diffusion. Partly it is explained
by finite gyro-radii effects, but presumably time dependent phenomena, like
drift waves, play an important role. In addition the dependence on the angle between
surface normal and B-field was investigated. The supersonic fluxes found in
the immediate vicinity of the surface are described fairly well by the model
developed by Chodura[10]. By contrast the size of the region, where Mach
numbers greater one appear is significantly smaller than predicted.
plasma wall interaction, Bohm criterion, laser
induced fluorescence, ion sensitive probes.
Gulick, S.L. ; Stansfield,
B.L. ; Abou-Assaleh,
Z. ; Boucher, C. ;
Matte, J.P. ; Johnston,
T.W. ; Marchand,
R.: Measurement of pre-sheath flow velocities by laser-induced
fluorescence. In: Journal of Nuclear Materials
176 & 177 (1990), December,
2008 No 01 |
Ion acoustic wave studies near the
presheath/sheath boundary in a weakly collisional argon/xenon plasma
Lutfi Oksuz et al
2008 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 17
015012 (5pp) doi:10.1088/0963-0252/17/1/015012
Lutfi Oksuz 1,
Dongsoo Lee
Department of Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin at
Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Present address: Department of Physics, Suleyman Demirel
University, Isparta 32260, Turkey.
Ion acoustic
wave (IAW) phase velocities are measured near the sheath/presheath
boundary in a weakly collisional argon/xenon plasma. Wave
profiles versus position are measured using a boxcar averager
with a gate width of 30 ns and CW excitation at 50 or 75 kHz.
Variable gate delays allow measurement of details of the wave
close to the boundary. It is shown that the phase velocity at
the presheath/sheath boundary is approximately twice the phase
velocity in the bulk plasma for both argon and argon/xenon
plasmas, in agreement with a recent calculation (Lee D et
al 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 155004). This result
indicates each ion's drift velocity at the boundary is equal
to the IAW phase velocity in the bulk plasma.
Print publication: Issue 1
(February 2008)
Received 28 August 2007, in final form
11 October 2007
Published 19 December 2007
[7] Gulick S L, Stansfield B L,
Z, Boucher C, Matte J P, Johnston T W and Marchand R 1990 J. Nucl.
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 17 (2008) 015012 (5pp)
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