Citations Index
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Articles With Citations
to Z. Abou-Assaleh
Theoretical Plasma
Physics |
Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion Energy |
1992 |
1992 No 06 |
LASER-PRODUCED - ICF Quarterly Report, 1992 - osti.gov
Powers, L, Condouris, R, Kotowski, M,
and Murphy, P W. Inertial confinement fusion. United States: N.
p., 1992. Web. doi:10.2172/6456354.
This issue of the ICF Quarterly
contains seven articles that describe recent progress in Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory's ICF program. The Department of
Energy recently initiated an effort to design a 1--2 MJ glass
laser, the proposed National Ignition Facility (NIF). These
articles span various aspects of a program which is aimed at
moving forward toward such a facility by continuing to use the
Nova laser to gain understanding of NIF-relevant target physics,
by developing concepts for an NIF laser driver, and by envisioning
a variety of applications for larger ICF facilities. This report
discusses research on the following topics: Stimulated Rotational
Raman Scattering in Nitrogen; A Maxwell Equation Solver in LASNEX
for the Simulation of Moderately Intense Ultrashort Pulse
Experiments; Measurements of Radial Heat-Wave Propagation in
Laser-Produced Plasmas; Laser-Seeded Modulation Growth on Directly
Driven Foils; Stimulated Raman Scattering in Large-Aperture, High-Fluence
Frequency-Conversion Crystals; Fission Product Hazard Reduction
Using Inertial Fusion Energy; Use of Inertial Confinement Fusion
for Nuclear Weapons Effects Simulations.
7. J. H. Rogers et al.,(&Z.
Abou-AssaleH) Phys. Fluids B 1, 741 (1989).
ICF Quarterly Report
July - September 1992
Volume 2, Number 4 ICF Quarterly Report
1992 No 05 |
Gundestrup: A
Langmuir/Mach probe array for measuring flows in the scrape‐off layer of
Review of Scientific Instruments 63, 3923 (1992);
Cyrus S. MacLatchy, Claude Boucher, Deborah A. Poirier, and James Gunn.
Centre Canadien de Fusion Magnétique, Varennes, Québec, Canada.
Gundestrup is a Langmuir/Mach probe array which measures the flow velocity
in the scrape‐off layer of Tokamak de Varennes (TdeV). It is based on the
concept of a Mach probe where presheaths extending upstream and downstream
from the probe, parallel to the magnetic field, attract charge to a
circular array of collecting pins. The polar distribution of ion
saturation currents to the circular array is used to compute the
components of flow velocity in the plasma. With Gundestrup, there is an
assumed flow perpendicular to the magnetic field as well as parallel to
it. Equations representing the collection of charge by individual pins on
the probe are presented and sample flow patterns from the scrape‐off layer
are shown.
22. S. L. Gulick, B. L. Stansfield,
Z. Abou-Assaleh, C.
Boucher, J. P. Matte, T. W. Johnston, and R. Marchand, J. Nucl. Mater.
176–177, 1059 (1990).
1992 No 04 |
Sidney Luther Gulick
Ph.D. dissertation.
Université du
Québec, Institut National de la recherche Scientifique, (INRS - Énergie et
Matériaux), Varennes, Québec, Canada, 1992.
1992 No 03 |
J A Meyer et al 1992 Plasma
Sources Sci. Technol. 1 147-150
"Measurements of the
presheath in an electron cyclotron resonance etching device"
J A Meyer,
G -H Kim,
M J Goeckner
N Hershkowitz
Eng. Res. Center for Plasma-Aided Manuf., Wisconsin Univ.,
Madison, WI, USA
The first direct
measurement of a collisional Bohm presheath from plasma
potential measurements is given. By measuring the presheath
thickness in front of a grounded wafer stage, a determination
of the collision mean free path for ions in an electron
cyclotron resonance etching tool has been made. Presheaths
were measured in N2 and CF4
plasma using an emissive probe. The presheath thickness in N2
was found to be linearly dependent on the mean free path.
Measurements of CF4 plasmas, for which the
collision cross sections are unknown, have shown results
similar to those found for nitrogen. This result has enabled
an extrapolation to be made of the effective cross section
for collisions in plasmas created from CF4.
1992 No 02 |
Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics -- November 1992 -- Volume
4, Issue 11, pp. 3579-3585
"Self-consistent, nonlocal electron
heat flux at arbitrary ion charge number"
Juan R. Sanmartín
J. Ramírez
E.T.S.I. Aeronáuticos, Universidad Politécnica, 28040 Madrid,
R. Fernández-Feria
E.T.S.I. Industriales, Universidad de Sevilla, 41012 Sevilla,
F. Minotti
Laboratorio de Física del Plasma, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
A single,
nonlocal expression for the electron heat flux, which closely
reproduces known results at high and low ion charge number
Z, and ``exact'' results for the local limit at all
Z, is derived by solving the kinetic equation in a
narrow, tail-energy range. The solution involves asymptotic
expansions of Bessel functions of large argument, and
(Z-dependent) order above or below it, corresponding
to the possible parabolic or hyperbolic character of
the kinetic equation; velocity space diffusion in
self-scattering is treated similarly to isotropic
thermalization of tail energies in large Z
analyses. The scale length H characterizing nonlocal effects
varies with Z, suggesting an equal dependence of any
ad hoc flux limiter. The model is valid for all H
above the
mean-free path for thermal electrons. Physics of Fluids B:
Plasma Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of
Ref, 13:
J. P. Matte and J. Virmont, Phys. Rev, Lett. 49,
1936 (1982); J. H.
Rogers, J. S. De Groot,
Z. Abou-Assaleh, J. P. Matte, T. W. Johnston,and M. D. Rosen, Phys. Fluids B 1, 741 (1989).
1992 No 01 |
AIP Review of Scientific
cylindrical Langmuir probe techniques"
J. H. Rogers, J. S. De Groot, and D. Q. Hwang
University of California Davis and Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, L-794 Livermore, California 94550
Several methods for
estimating the plasma potential and density using
cylindrical Langmuir probes are compared to the
self‐consistent solutions of the Vlasov–Poisson equations
calculated by Laframboise (J. G. Laframboise, Ph. D.
dissertation, University of Toronto, 1966). Measurements are
made during the decay of a magnetic‐field‐free plasma in
which the mean‐free path of the electron is shorter than the
dimensions of the vacuum vessel (the electrons, therefore,
have a Maxwellian velocity distribution). The measurements
are made in a parameter range in which exact analytical
solutions do not exist for the ion and electron saturation
currents, 0.5≤R/λDe≤5, where R is the probe radius and λDe
is the electron Debye length (kTe/4πne2)1/2. An iterative
procedure is used to fit the data at probe voltages both
above and below the plasma potential while constraining the
curves to be continuous at the plasma potential. The
measured curves could be represented extremely well by the
numerical results. It is therefore assumed that the plasma
parameters used to fit the numerical results to the
measurements are correct. The systematic errors which result
from using several analysis techniques which assume R/λDe≪1
are also presented, and it is shown that empirical
corrections to these errors can be described which
compensate for the finite probe radius.
2. J. G. Laframboise,
Ph. D. dissertation, University of Toronto, 1966.
5. J. H. Rogers, J. S. De Groot,
Z. Abou-Assaleh,
J. P. Matte, T. W. Johnston, and M. D. Rosen, Phys. Fluids B
1, 741 (1989).
10.1063/1.1142743?journalCode=rsi |
Validating cylindrical Langmuir
probe techniques |
Citations Index
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